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Please consider the cost before committing to a package. The tools that you will receive from your 3 coaching sessions & graphics will exceed the cost for either package. We have hired a professional team and must strictly adhere to deadlines. Our team are proven best-seller experts and have marketing strategies that will help us achieve best-seller status.
Chapter 2000 Words
Professional Editing
3 Premium Graphics
Author of the Day Promo
3 Coaching (Group) Sessions
1. How to write your chapter
2. Presenting yourself
3. Monetize your book for ROI
Media Coverage & Marketing
Best Seller Campaign / Virtual Book Launch
Silver Valued at $1250.99
Chapter 2500 Words
Professional Editing
5 Exclusive Premium Graphics
Personal One-sheeter
Author of the Day Promo
GOLD PACKAGE $1,350.00
Minimum 2 Show Appearances (video/podcasts)
3 Coaching (Group) Sessions
1. How to write your chapter
2. Presenting yourself
3. Monetize your book for ROI
Media Coverage & Marketing
Best Seller Campaign / Virtual Book Launch